I think it is finally time to post about The Death of Adam by 88-Keys. This dropped a few weeks ago but there weren't any torrents for a quick minute. I actually caved and picked it up on itunes...$9.99. There are a few torrents floating around the internet now so you should be fine. I definitely recommend downloading this. 88-Keys (if you dont already know) is a dope producer that has worked with the likes of Kanye, Talib, and Def. Check "Stay Up!" on the cd to get a little bit of Yeezy. The cd is obviously about the death of adam, a normal guy that got caught up in the moment with one night stand and eventually died as a result. The disc covers every step of his adventure, from the night with this chick to....well you know. 88-Key's uses tons of fresh jazz and soul samples to get this story through to his audience.
"She had a burning bush...wow!" lol
The Death of Adam’s Track Listing
1. Morning Wood
2. Nice Guys Finish Last
3. The Friends Zone” Feat. Shitake Monkey
4. Handcuff 'Em"
5. Stay Up! (Viagra)" Kanye West
6. There's Pleasure in It
7. (Awww Man) Round 2?
8. Dirty Peaches Feat. J*Davey
9. Close Call Feat. Phonte of Little Brother
10. The Burning Bush Feat. Redman
11. Ho' Is Short for Honey" Feat. Kid Cudi
12. No. I Said I LIKED You"
13. M.I.L.F. Feat. Bilal
14. Another Victim
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